Hello family. Sorry about the delay but it's been pretty hectic the last day and a half. Let me start by putting a word on last night at the convention. There were many moments worth mentioning but two that stood out. We witnessed in Ted Kennedy, a man somewhat broken in body but never stronger in spirit. His speech was forceful, powerful, and set the stage for the whole convention. It was as though he was proudly passing the torch to the Obama's. Kennedy has been an unwavering ally to the issue of the poor and down-trodden. He proclaimed that despite his sickness, he will definitely be there in January, when Barack is sworn in a President of the United States.
As for Michelle Obama's speech, in a word,"RIVETING!" Michelle Obama took the stage with what had to feel like the whole world on her shoulders. It would be an understatement to say she rose to the occasion. The whole Pepsi Center audience was on the edge of their seats from the moment she took the stage. It wasn't the appropriateness of the words she chose but rather the passion and feeling behind the words that seemed to have a trance like command over the emotions of the audience. She gave an account of her life that described her humble beginnings in a working class family in the south side of Chicago. Her family was short on money but long on love. She articulated how her parents adorned her with encouragement while impressing upon her strong family values. According to Mrs. Obama, these values of working hard to improve yourself and caring for others, are ones that she shares with her husband, Barack. The floor in the area where I was sitting was wet with tears. None of which belong to me of course, lol.
I could not help but think of how proud my ancestors, including my deceased grandparents, would be watching Michelle Obama take command of our collective future, and run with it. What a time to be alive! Great job Michelle. Please take a bow and know we love you.
The other memorable moment of the night belonged to Ted Kennedy. We witnessed a man somewhat broken in body but
1 comment:
Kwame, Another great report! We were also mesmerized by Michelle's speech. It was personal, and just what's needed to "introduce" them to people who pretend they don't know who the Obamas are. (Notice I said "pretend".) The girls were also wonderful. It was a great night. I'm anxious to see how you think Hillary's speech came off in the room. For me, sitting in my living room, I had the feeling that a great deal of it was about HER, but maybe my impression is wrong. Anyway, great reports. Keep them coming!
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