Hello family. Greetings from ground zero of the Democratic National Convention. It’s really exciting to be here amidst all the buzz and electricity in the air.
There wasn’t very much official business lined up for Sunday. The only thing required was to register to get my official Delegate badges so that I could get into to all of the events this week.
I spent the afternoon taking in downtown Denver. What a spectacle it was.
There was every kind of protest you could imagine.
The Anti-War demonstrators were the largest group numbering in the hundreds. They were dressed in all types of colorful outfits with large banners and signs intended to make their point.
There were Anti-Abortion demonstrators who also had large signs, some of them had pictures of aborted fetuses on them.
The animal rights activists and earth preservationist were present in large numbers also. The police presence was tremendous. They were on hand in riot gear and weapons drawn. The whole scene was rather chaotic at times as people got really fired up.
Besides a number of shouting matches from people with differing view, it was peaceful. Not sure how much of this will get shown on the news.
During the evening the Maryland Delegation was invited to welcoming ceremony hosted by Congressman Elijah Cummings. It was a who’s who for Maryland politicians. Everyone from Governor Martin O’Mally to Baltimore Mayor Shelia Dixon was present. The keynote address was given by Congressman Cummings, who is an electrifying speaker. He was followed by John Kerry and few other national and local politicians. I have had opportunity to meet many of these state officials.
That’s it for today. In the morning, at 7:30am, I am attending a breakfast hosted by Governor O’Malley before we head over to the convention sight. I will post an entry whenever I can to keep you guys informed. Until then, remember that All great minds think for themselves, question what you know, and be the change you want!
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